gigi正在紐納姆學校上英文的二年級。主要作品: 1.劍橋劇院: Lady Nijo/Win...... Top Girls, Masha ......The Seagull Hannah Jarvis...... Arcadia. 2.電影: Pansy Parkinson ......哈利波特與阿茲卡班的囚徒Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban(Warner Bros華納) Trudi ......搖擺嬉皮士Hippie Hippie Shake (Working Title暫定名稱?) 3.短片: Sophie...... 直?(我只能這么翻譯了)Straight (Nott Productions諾特作品) Kelly ......時光飛逝Time Flies (NFTS應該是National film and television school的縮寫) Eleanor ......你我之間Between You and Me (Kudos榮譽?請無視) Ruth ......善意的謊言White Lies (Venner Film文納電影) 4.電視?。骸 eorgiana Darcy ......迷失奧斯汀Lost in Austen (ITV)客串(這個美麗的喬治安娜大家都了解) Vivienne ......心跳Heartbeat (YTV) Susan Sykes...... 大地的女孩Land Girls (BBC).